Eng. Abdulwahed Ahmed Ghaleb

Senior Civil Water Engineer

Eng. Abdulwahed Ahmed Ghaleb is a Civil Water Engineer with considerable experience for more than 25 years in designing and supervision of many valuable projects in water and sanitation sector. Mr. Ghaleb has a B.Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering, graduated from Sana’a University, Yemen in 1995, participated in many training courses and workshop, professional in using specialized softwares such as WaterCad, SewereCad, SAP2000 and others in designing of water and sanitation network and structures. Mr.Ghaeb joined DEEP in 2017 and participated in all WASH projects carried out by DEEP. He is the former general director of water sector reform policies in the Ministry of Water & Environment, Yemen. He works also as WASH Coordinator SAWA-Project @ ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency), Yemen. Mr.Ghaleb participated locally in designing and supervision of many water projects in rural and urban areas. He is also participating regionally in conducting a technical study to extend Al-Baha City Water Project – Saudia Arabia; (pipes, compilation and progress tanks, pump rooms, and pump line with the length of 45 kilometers).

Get in Touch

P.O Box: 1020, Sana'a, Yemen

Tel: +967 1 298 038

Fax: +967 1 298 038

Email: info@deep-ye.com